Nigel Duffield

Published work, including articles in press.
Duffield, Nigel. 2024. Ellipsis. In Silvina Montrul, Roumyana Slabakova and Tania Ionin (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax and Semantics (Chapter 32). London: Taylor & Francis.
Duffield, Nigel & Ayumi Matsuo. 2019. ‘The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions’: L2 learners’ sensitivity to partial rules in English wh-questions. IEICE Technical Report TL2019-11, 7-11.
Tajima, Yayoi & Nigel Duffield. 2012. Japanese vs. Chinese differences in Visual Recall Tasks: A response to Masuda & Nisbett. Cognitive Linguistics 23, 675-709.
Roberts, Leah, Matsuo, Ayumi and Nigel Duffield. 2012. Processing VP-ellipsis and VP-anaphora with structurally parallel and non-parallel antecedents. Language and Cognitive Processes, iFirst, 1-19. (
Duffield, Nigel & Trang Phan. 2011. What do Chinese L2 learners know about Inner Aspect and Unaccusativity in Vietnamese: an experimental psycholinguistic approach. In Nguyen Hong Con (chief editor) Proceedings of International Conference on Linguistics Training and Research in Vietnam, 379-412. Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban Đai Hoc Quoc Gia Hà Noi.
Duffield, Nigel. 2011. Loose Ends: Commentary on Sorace. . Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism (Special Issue, edited by Silvina Montrul) (1.1k words).
Duffield, Nigel, Matsuo, Ayumi and Leah Roberts. 2009. Factoring out the parallelism effect in VP-ellipsis: English vs. Dutch contrasts. Second Language Research, 25(4), 427-467.
Duffield, Nigel. 2009. The Kids Are Alright, aren't they?: Commentary on Lardiere. Second Language Research 25, 269-278.
Duffield, Nigel. and Ayumi Matsuo. 2009. Native-speakers vs. L2 learners sensitivity to parallelism in VP-Ellipsis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 31, 1-31.
Duffield, Nigel. 2008. Roots and Rogues in German Child Language. Language Acquisition 15, 225-269.
Duffield, Nigel, Matsuo, A., Wood, G. & R. Churchill. 2007. How different can it be for English and Japanese children? In Otsu, Yukio (ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hitzuji Syobo Publishing, 77-94.
Duffield, Nigel, Matsuo, A. & L. Roberts. 2007. Acceptable Ungrammaticality in Sentence Matching. Second Language Research 23, 155-178.
Language acquisition, convergence, and the Competence-Performance distinction