Nigel Duffield
The Pros and Cons of Linguistic Relativity
Published work
Tajima, Yayoi, and Nigel Duffield. in press. Japanese vs. Chinese differences in Visual Recall Tasks: a response to Masuda and Nisbett. Cognitive Linguistics 23, 675-709.
Duffield, Nigel. 2010. Roll up for the Mystery tour: Commentary on Evans and Levinson 2009. Lingua 120, 2673-2675.
Duffield, Nigel and Yayoi Tajima. 2010. On the Non-Uniformity of Asian Thinking (for Speaking): A Response to Masuda and Nisbett. In Michael Iverson, Roumyana Slabakova et al (editors) Proceedings of Mind-Context Divide Workshop, 28-39. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Tajima, Yayoi, and Nigel Duffield. 2010. Linguistic influence on attentional patterns: An approach from the grammatical parameter of SVO/SOV word order in Japanese, English, and Chinese languages. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, vol.10, 587-593.
Unpublished papers, including work in submission
Duffield, Nigel. 2011. Grammatica una et eadem est secundum substantiam in omnibus linguis, licet accidentaliter varietur: Reflections on Universal Grammar and the importance (or otherwise) of Language Diversity. Text of talk delivered at Kobe College, October 2011. Available here.
Duffield, Nigel. 2011. Sapir-Whorf redux: what might just be right about Linguistic Relativity? Ms. available at
Tajima, Yayoi & Nigel Duffield. Submitted. Linguistic versus cultural relativity: on Japanese-Chinese differences in picture description and recall. In submission to Cognitive Linguistics.