Nigel Duffield
Vietnamese Grammar
Publications, including articles in press
Duffield, Nigel. in press. The “unploughed field”: Speculations on a generativist approach to charted and uncharted territory. Proceedings of International Conference on Systemic Functional Linguistics, Hanoi, December 2023.
Duffield, Nigel. 2022. Whales, and other Mammals: A Naturalist’s Take on Syntactic Variation (with particular reference to Vietnamese) JSEALS (special publication) Number 8.
Phan, Trang & Duffield, Nigel. 2022. A Roadmap to Vietnamese Phrase Structure. In Chris Shei & Saihong Li (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics. London: Taylor & Francis.
Phan, Trang & Duffield, Nigel. 2021. On the Structure and Acquisition of Telicity and Unaccusativity in Vietnamese. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics, 19.2., 1-32.
Duffield, Nigel. 2020. Bah, Humbug! Some extemporaneous thoughts on the past, present and future of Tense and Comp in Vietnamese. In From T to C: Grammatical Representations of Tense and Speech Acts. [Conference Proceedings Paper]. Hanoi: Vietnamese Institute of Linguistics.
[a] Duffield, Nigel. 2019. Introduction. In Duffield, Nigel, Phan, Trang & Trinh, Tue (eds). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics. pp. 1-8. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[b] Duffield, Nigel. Illusory Islands: On ‘Wh-questions in Vietnamese.’ In Duffield, Nigel, Phan, Trang & Trinh, Tue (eds). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics, pp. 81-114. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[c] Phan, Trang, & Duffield, Nigel. A more perfect unification: exploring a Nano-syntactic solution to Vietnamese đã. In Duffield, Nigel, Phan, Trang & Trinh, Tue (eds.). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vietnamese Linguistics, pp. 69-80. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Phan, Trang & Nigel Duffield. 2019. The Vietnamese Perfect – A Compositional Analysis. In A. Patard, R. Peltola & E. Roussel (eds.) Cahiers Chronos [Crosslinguistic Perspectives on the Semantics of Grammatical Aspect], 30, 38-63.
Duffield, Nigel. ‘Down, Down, Down’: how many layers can there be to Inner Aspect? Festschrift article. In L. Kalin, I. Paul, & J. Vander Klok (eds.) McGill Working Papers in Linguistics – Special Issue in Honour of Lisa Travis, Vol 25, 1: 110-122. (Available online from Feb. 2019)
Duffield, Nigel. Parsing Out in English and Vietnamese [Conference Version.] Proceedings of 5th Nafosted Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). November 2018.
Duffield, Nigel 2017. On what projects in Vietnamese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics. doi:10.1007/10831-017-9161-1.
Phan, Trang and Duffield Nigel. To be tensed or not to be tensed?: the Case of Vietnamese. Investigationes Linguisticae XXXVII (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań).
Duffield, Nigel. 2015. On What Projects. Lingbuzz/002429.
Duffield, Nigel. 2014. Shake Can Well. Lingbuzz/002119.
Duffield, Nigel. 2014. Minimalism and Semantic Syntax: Interpreting Multifunctionality in Vietnamese. In International Conference on The Linguistics of Vietnam in the Context of Renovation and Integration, pp. 1090-1113. Hanoi (LingBuzz/001919).
Duffield, Nigel. 2014. Inadvertent Cause and the Unergative-unaccusative split in Vietnamese and English. In Bridget Copley & Fabienne Martin (eds.) Causation in Grammatical Structure. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
Duffield, Nigel. 2014. Grammatica una et eadem est secundum substantiam in omnibus linguis, licet accidentaliter varietur: Reflections on Universal Grammar and the importance—or otherwise—of Language Diversity. Konan University Faculty Journal 163.
Duffield, Nigel. 2013. On Polarity Emphasis, Assertion and Mood in Vietnamese and English. Lingua 137, 248-270. (doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2013.09.007)
Duffield, Nigel. 2013. Head-First: On the head-initiality of Vietnamese clauses. In Daniel Hole & Elisabeth Löbel (eds.) Linguistics of Vietnamese, 127-154. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Preprint LingBuzz/001935).
Duffield, Nigel. 2011. On Unaccusativity in Vietnamese and the Representation of Inadvertent Cause. In R. Folli and C. Ulbrich (editors) Researching Interfaces in Linguistics, 78-95. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
Duffield, Nigel. 2009. Commentary: When is a Copy not (a Copy)? Theoretical Linguistics 35, 251-259.
Duffield, Nigel. 2007. Aspects of Vietnamese clause structure: separating tense from assertion. Linguistics 45, 765-814.
Duffield, Nigel. 2001. On certain head-final effects in Vietnamese. In K. Megerdoomian and L. A. Bar-el (eds.) Proceedings of WCCFL XX (West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics), University of Southern California,101-114.