Nigel Duffield
General Work
Duffield, Nigel. 2019. While we’re on the subject. In Metin Bağrıaçık, Anne Breitbarth, and Karen De Clercq (eds.). Mapping Linguistic Data. Essays in honour of Liliane Haegeman. WebFestschrift. Ghent: Ghent University.
Duffield, Nigel. 2015. Where not to put why, and why not? Konan University Faculty Journal 164. (LingBuzz/002367)
Duffield, Nigel. 2013. Grammatica una et eadem est secundum substantiam in omnibus linguis, licet accidentaliter varietur: Reflections on Universal Grammar and the importance—or otherwise—of Language Diversity. Konan University Faculty Journal 163.
Duffield, Nigel. 2012. Sapir-Whorf redux: what might just be right about Linguistic Relativity? Ms. available at
Duffield, Nigel 2011. Roll up for the Mystery Tour: Commentary on Evans & Levinson 2009. Lingua (special issue, edited by Johan Rooryck & Neil Smith).